A resonating theme among members of
the occupy movement is sympathy for the idea of communism. Living as I do in the
Pacific Northwest, I have frequent occasion to encounter such people and
recently was taken aback by a person outright stating that they are a die-hard
communist. It baffles me how anyone could be sympathetic to such a thoroughly
discredited economic system in this day and age. The only explanation I can
come up with for this bizarre way of thinking is that these people were
indoctrinated by liberal parents and professors and have never been exposed to
the history or considered the very real implications of what they propose. Despite
all the evidence to the contrary and the cost of millions of lives to this
failed economic experiment, modern communists are convinced that communism will
work, that previous attempts just didn't do it right. The frightening thing
about these people is that they’re each convinced that they have the secret
sauce that will make communism work, if they’re only allowed the chance to try.
Read more about this in chapter 8 of
Economic for Occupiers, now available on Amazon.com.
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