A medium of exchange must have several features. It must be
relatively small. It must be something difficult to acquire by the average
person. It must be universally recognized for its value. Since recorded history,
precious metals – notably gold and silver – have filled these requirements. A
weight of gold or silver had an agreed value, and all commodities in an economy
could be valued by an amount of gold or silver. In our part 1 example, it was
no longer necessary to keep tabs on how many vegetables could be traded for a
quantity of meat, or how much dung could be traded for fertilizer. Participants in an economy longer needed to
acquire goods for which they had no use except to use as trading material to
get what they did want.
Money is not evil, nor is it the root of all evil. The love of money is not the root of all evil, as will be demonstrated in future articles. Money is a contract of trust between honest men. Only when dishonest people attempt to pervert money to enrich themselves without exchanging value does money take the appearance of evil. But money is only as evil as those who trade it, and the market will eventually punish those who abuse the honesty represented by money.
Read more about this in chapter 3 of Economic for Occupiers, now available on Amazon.com.
Read more about this in chapter 3 of Economic for Occupiers, now available on Amazon.com.
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